Could I remind all parents who have not yet completed and returned the Data Capture form sent out to do it please, available in ParentMail/Forms. It is very important that all our records are up to date and accurate.
If you have a younger sibling that you would like to enrol at St Bernard's Prep for the next academic year can I ask that you please fill in the online registration form. We are receiving a lot of interest in St Bernard's Prep from new families but we would like you to all know that we have places for all our existing families first. Thank you.
Should anyone wish to purchase second hand uniform Mrs Jalaf (FOPS) is kindly running a socially distanced sale from the sheds off the main car park on Monday 1st March from 3.15pm. An additional sale will also be held during the Easter holidays.
And finally, a special mention to two pupils who have really shone this week in their attitude to remote learning. A very well done to Ayannah in Year 5 and Mustafa in Year 6. Keep up the great work.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mr N Cheesman