St Bernard's Science Fair

Inspiring Our Children With Science
Today we are holding our first St Bernard’s Prep School science fair. The children have been encouraged to complete a science-based task at home focused on any area of science that interests them. They have had a period of about 5 weeks (including half term) to complete their project.
They could research an area of interest and display their findings on a poster board; they might choose to complete an experiment (e.g. What happens to my heart rate when I play video games?) and show their investigation write up on their poster board; they might choose to create a model with an explanation, including some history of the theory on their poster board (e.g. A model of an atom).
All of these projects are displayed together in the atrium, and all parents are invited to attend the showcase. There will be prizes and awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for KS1 and for KS2.
Watch this space for results!