Windsor Pantomine and Carol Singing

Our whole school outing to the pantomime and raising money for charity.
This Tuesday was the much anticipated all-school outing to the pantomime—a highlight of the term. Nearly 200 exuberant children piled onto four coaches, ready to be whisked off to Windsor for an afternoon of festive fun as they watched Dick Whittington at Windsor Theatre.
The ever-charismatic Kevin Cruise and his cast had the children whipped into a frenzy, urging them to shout, cheer, and boo their loudest to help fend off the forces of evil. To no ones surprise our children rose to the occasion, making themselves heard with boundless energy!
After the pantomime, our KS2 students braved the winter chill to bring some seasonal joy to Windsor station, whilst raising funds for Shelter and Baby Bank. Astonishingly, after all that pantomime yelling, they still had enough voice left to delight parents and passersby with a medley of Christmas carols.
Their concert was brilliantly led by Mrs Whittiker, who was supported by Mrs Kimberley and Ms Beale, whose descant harmonies were an unexpected treat. The event proved to be a lovely start to the festive season and left the children with lots to smile about as they look forward to a well-deserved holiday break.